Everybody Wants Love

Most of us dream of finding the “perfect” partner and walking out into the sunset for a life filled with love, appreciation, fun, sensual and sexual ecstasy, and continual joy. In the past, many of us dreamed of creating the type of relationship we saw in a romantic movie.  It may have been somewhat unrealistic but at least it was distant, unknown, strangers and something to wish for and dream about.
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Do You Know Your Love Map?

Love Location Map

When you start out on a long trip toward a specific destination, you need a map, a guideline, something to follow that will lead you where you want to go. In this technological era many of us no longer use physical maps. We tend, instead to rely upon an automated voice or some other navigational system that will tell us the distance, what roads to take, where to turn, and how much longer the trip will take. Most of us do not attempt to take a long trip toward a definite destination without at least some form of guidance and direction. Continue reading

The A, B, C’s of Love – The Art of Loving Made Simple

Loving is Our Most Natural State. 

Observe any baby smiling, cooing and giggling with delight at mommy, daddy and strangers.  Most animals are also naturally loving to members of their own species – and often that affection extends to other species and to humans.  Even ferocious lions and tigers have been known to “love” the humans who nurtured them since infancy.

Hey Girl Baby ABCs_of_Love

Hey Girl Baby ABCs_of_Love (Photo credit: @fredsko)

Animals love easily and effortlessly and will aggressively defend the ones they love.  Humans, on the other hand, often develop convoluted love.  They may feel love at moments and then allow their thoughts and emotions to interfere with and block that love.  Their behavior may appear to be exactly the opposite of love, but if asked about it they may say with confidence “I love him” or “I love her.” Continue reading