Love CAN and often DOES heal!

  • Do you believe it is possible to heal your body through love?
  • Can you heal your relationships through love?
  • Can you heal your finances, your addictions and anything else through love?
  • Have you ever had the experience of healing through love?

However, love the way most of us define it, describe it and live it, is not really love but can be labeled as something else.  For example, we can easily feel that we “love” a gorgeous young woman or a strikingly handsome young man.  But has that “love” stood the test of time?  What if that man or woman is in a serious accident and has severe facial scarring, loss of a limb or a chronic life limiting illness?  What if that man or woman is very demanding or needy and clinging or unable to provide financial stability or support?  What if that man or woman has an affair or betrays your trust? Continue reading