Singles Lifestyle Expo Event


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Image by Vectorolie at

Presented By: Erica Goodstone, Ph.D., Licensed Mental Health Counselor  

Dr. Erica, Love Mentor, Relationship Healer, Therapist and Coach, introduces the concept Dr. Erica Shaking Hands at Her Booththat we all carry a Relationship Toolbox.  However, our tools may be totally inadequate to help us when we get into an intimate relationship, especially when we run into the inevitable difficulties of getting close to another person.  With clarity and decades of wisdom, Dr. Erica provides some valuable tips for handling love relationships.

Approximate Length: 30 minutes

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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert and Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to love. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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