Radiate Love

Do You Radiate Love? 

When people are in your presence do they smile, seem at ease, and speak openly about themselves?  Is the focus of your conversations mostly about the other person or is it often all about you, your current needs and interests and desires?

Love Is Radiation of Energy

Radiate Energy

In one of the video interviews for the Men and Love Series (starting March 20th – page still in development) the speaker shared a poignant story of an exchange between a professor who studied about love and the famous scientist Dr. Albert Einstein.  The professor asked Dr. Einstein what is the physics or physical correlate for love.  Dr. Einstein purportedly scratched his the scraggly hair on his scalp and appeared to be stumped.  Then he suddenly he answered the question.

“Radiation – Love Is Radiation Of Energy”



How Do We Radiate Love?

Has anyone ever told you that you need to love yourself?  Have you ever found yourself saying really nasty things to yourself?  We all do that at times.  For example, you just said something to someone you care about and you wish you had not said that.  So – what do you say to yourself?  Probably, if you are like most of us, you berated yourself by saying something like this.  “You idiot.”  “How are you ever going to be loved if you say things like that.”  “He/she must think I’m a loser.”

Most of us say some pretty mean things to our own self, thoughts and words and emotional backlash that we probably would never say to someone else, especially someone we care about.  Dr. Daniel Amen has a word for this very hurtful negative self-talk.  He calls these ANTS – Automatic Negative Thoughts.  We would never enjoy being surrounded by a swarm of ants going in and out of our ears and eyes and nose and mouth.  But our thoughts and words, especially the words we repeat in our own head, can be just as damaging to our self-esteem, confidence, and ability to radiate love out into the world.

Self Love CAN Be Learned

This Valentine’s Day, you have an opportunity to really discover for yourself what it would take for you to really, really, really feel that you love yourself.  Do you love yourself?  Yes, maybe in some ways, but if I talked to you for just a little while I am sure I could find a few ways that you don’t feel so good about yourself, ways that you doubt your abilities, ways that you compare yourself to others and feel as if you fall short, and ways that others may have told you and you believed.

LISTEN – Radio Interview Self-Love Boot Camp Hosts

Self Love Bootcamp


Are you over 50, experiencing love energy and possibly low sexual desire, maybe even some vaginal dryness?  Would you like to “get your juicy back”?  This very special guest on my radio show on Valentine’s Day shares some surprising answers to help you and the women in your life that you care about.

LISTEN – Radio Interview To “Get Your Juicy” Back

If you like what Susan Joyce Proctor share in the radio interview, then check out her Kindle book and learn how you can more easily lose that stubborn excess weight you want to shed.

Contact Me for a healing consultation.

In the meantime….


Love Me Touch Me Heal Me Book






Healthy Baby Boomers Network Blog Talk Radio Show










With love and caring,

Dr. Erica





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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to give, receive and become the love they are seeking. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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18 thoughts on “Radiate Love

  1. Hello Dr Erica! Of course there are times when we have bad self talk with ourselves, but I think the important thing is that we can acknowledge this and master your self-love.

    Great Share
    Chery :))

    • Chery,
      So true. We can’t help the negative self talk when things are not going as planned, but even then we can affirm how much we do care about ourself. And then the negative thoughts quickly dissolved.

  2. I’ve always had to be really careful of how I talk to myself. It’s easy to fall into the negativity trap if you let yourself.

    I do love the idea of love as a radiation of energy. Just reading those words made me feel energized and a little lighter.

    • Ruth,
      I find that it is easy to be self-positive when everything is going the way I want, but when negative things happen or people act in a way I don’t like or business is slow, it is so easy to fall back into a negative way of thinking. So I love the reinforcement of positive words and positive ways to view things. Love as radiation warms my heart.
      Dr. Erica

  3. Hi Dr. Erica,

    Love radiates energy and ants take it away? Interesting. Many of us were taught too much self-love was a sin. Difficult hurdle, but worth the effort. Good post, thanks,

    • Ed,

      Self love is more important than we think. When we value our self, express and take care of our own needs, we have so much more free energy to care for others. When we don’t honor our own needs, we feel those negative emotions of resentment, anger, depression – and that can lead to either illness or destructive relationship dynamics.

      Dr. Erica

  4. Hi Dr Erica,

    I hadn’t come across the term ANTS before, but I know exactly what you mean!

    Since I became aware of the problem, I am working on self-love.

    Joy – Blogging After Dark

  5. Hi Dr Erica,
    when we fail to love oneself, we become our own enemy. I believe the foundation of a great life is to learn how to relate well with oneself and loving oneself unconditionally. I have started doing that for myself.
    Thanks for sharing this great post.

  6. This is really interesting. I feel I do self love really well, I look after myself, keep healthy, make sure I get treats and pampering, give myself plenty of praise. I don’t think I am selfish or arrogant about it, but it’s a great thing to love yourself.

    Enjoy the journey!

    • Yes Mandy,

      When you love yourself and take good care of yourself, others respond back and you are able to freely give them more attention and good feelings. It’s a win-win.


      Dr. Erica

  7. Hi Dr. Erica,

    Such a great idea… Self-Love Bootcamp.

    Like you say, self-love can be learned, so this is a great opportunity to do it.

    You can’t radiate love until you’ve mastered your self-love.


    • You are so right. And today, on Valentine’s Day, I saw so many messages promoting self-love.
      We never used to think this way. We all used to think as love only as the love we receive
      from others, specifically an intimate partner.


      Dr. Erica

  8. Dr Erica, Thanks for sharing Albert Einstein’s words. I really love the idea of radiate love like a kind of energy. I like to think of it as warm heartedness that warms up situations that are cool. I really think that the key to being able to radiate that love is to feel like you are ok and complete without needing anything inside or you fixed.

    • Stephanie,
      Your work with the Love Mandala and the Self Love Boot Camp will help so many of us to radiate the natural love from within us.
      We certainly need more of that in this world.

      Dr. Erica

  9. Thanks for this excellent post and info. It’s so true, and goes along with the habit of being our own worst critiques. I definitely do engage in those negative self-talks sometimes, and it really does nothing to build up my self-esteem! Thank you for the reminder to be kind to ourselves!

    • K. Lee,
      It is not just to build up your self-esteem. When you say positive things to yourself, and believe them, it energizes you and allows you to just go after your dreams and not worry about other people’s opinions or whether you will succeed. You look at what you desire and you got after it. And if you don’t get what you want, you know that it you gave it your best and you comfort yourself and appreciate your own efforts on your behalf.
      Life becomes joyful and you appreciate the people and things all around you.

      Dr. Erica

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