Falling for the Stars – Finding YourSelf


Have you ever fallen for a celebrity, a movie star, a sports figure, or even someone you considered out of your league? But have you ever taken physical falls, often dangerous, for any of them?

Recently, I had a delightful experience speaking with a lady who had a most unusual career, literally falling for some of our favorite celebrities. Continue reading

The Immaculate Conception of Love

Couple in LoveIn the beginning there was light — before there was sun. There were trees and plants before there were seeds. And man appeared before there was the physical act of sexual consummation. This immaculate conception of the first man appears in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. In the beginning was the word and all else was created from that. Continue reading

Touch Is Good For Your Health

First Row fo Speakers

Remember a time when you stubbed your toe or banged your shoulder against something.  Wasn’t your immediate response to pay attention to that part of your body and perhaps touch it directly in an attempt to soothe the pain?  Picture a little baby, maybe your own.  If he or she just got a booboo, what would you probably do?  Wouldn’t you want to touch that exact place or kiss it and tell your baby that everything will be all right. Continue reading