7 Reasons The Holidays Are NOT FUN!


Most people love the holidays. We have so many reasons to be joyful. It is a special time of year when people who are self-centered, negative and difficult are somehow transformed by the loving spirit of giving. Or so the media likes to make us think. But as we scan our Facebook pages and see all the happy individuals, couples and families, we may feel a nagging pain in our gut reminding us that all that glitters may not be gold. Others may have it all during this happy season – or maybe it is all a big show.

Can you use some nurturing love this holiday season?

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What Do Women Want?

Women are not all the same.  We come from different families, different cultures and we all have our own unique genetic makeup.  Our life experiences, environment and personal perceptions affect what happens to us and how we respond.  However, we do have some things in common Continue reading

Meeting the Enemy – Becoming Friends

Fighting the Enemy


This post was inspired by an article I read in Family Therapy Magazine. The title was: “Moral Injury Among Combat Veterans: A Healing Journey Through Vietnam” by Sebastian Perumbilly, Ph.D. Growing up in the 1960’s and 1970’s, I was always fascinated with stories about Vietnam, how soldiers imprisoned in a hole in the ground, tortured by sadistic prison guards, or terrified of stepping on an explosive land mine, managed to survive. Continue reading