How High is Your Relationship Trust Rank?

This post was inspired by Sherman Smith’s Blog How Do You Build Trust Rank?

The Value of Trust

Balance by Salvatore Vuon,

Balance by Salvatore Vuon,

Trust develops when we do the right thing, even if nobody else knows but our partner, our business associate, our child or our friend.  If you made a date, saw the person sitting at the coffee shop table or waiting at the bar, and decided there is no attraction, what would you do?  Would you quietly slip out the door and let that person sit alone, waiting…?  Continue reading

A Loving Relationship is NOT an Olympic Event

Love is Too Difficult

  • Does creating a loving relationship feel like a monumental task?
  • Are you trying harder and harder with less and less satisfaction?
  • Did you think that life would be so much easier if only you had a partner?
  • Have you actually given up on finding love or doing what it takes?  Continue reading

The 10 Relationship Powers You Need

The 10 Relationship PowersEvery relationship involves a balance of power.  Between two friends, two business associates, two family members or two lovers, that balance is often tipped in one direction.  One person feels more powerful and the other feels less powerful.  One of the reasons we adore our precious pets and our developing babies is that we have an enormous sense of power and control – at first.  However, if you do not develop the 10 essential relationship powers, you may soon start to feel powerless – no matter how that relationship began. Continue reading

Find Lasting Love and
Avoid the Problems and Dangers

Recently, I created an e book all about choosing different places to meet the love of your life. And I know it works. So many people have met, and continue to meet, a wonderful partner – and often for life – by thinking creatively and keeping their eyes open to possibilities.  But something was left out of that book, and I feel compelled to write about it now.  Lasting Love

Any one of us, if we create an attractive appearance, smile and reach out in a friendly and inviting manner, and speak in appealing ways, can meet and connect with someone new.  But what happens after that initial meeting?  Do we feel so excited by the possibility of love and romance and sexual pleasure that we overlook warning signs and red flags about this person, probably a total stranger before we started talking? Continue reading