Download Love, Upload Loving Relationships

Think DigitalToday, as I recover from a failing hard drive on my computer that was just replaced and I download programs and upload files, I am thinking about lifestyle, love and relationships in computer language. I scanned my life and my thoughts to discover what programs I have downloaded, what files in my memory have been corrupted, what thoughts are fragmented and how I can protect my body, mind and spirit from malicious attacks of negativity, viruses and other malware. Continue reading

Do You Know The Secret For Creating A Long Lasting Happy Relationship?

Attractive Couple

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Love, Touch, Sex and Recovery


Where There Is Love There IS A Way.        I have discovered that love is the answer to any question and the solution to any problem. When we see a person who is thinking and behaving in an unloving, hurtful or destructive way, we can be sure that this person does not feel loved, at least in that moment. Continue reading

All You Need Is Love

Have you ever wondered why some men succeed in business and thrive in long term relationships and marriages while other men seem to struggle financially, emotionally and even physically throughout their lives? Successful ManRecently, in the prestigious Society for Sex Therapy and Research list serve, I was introduced to the results of an ongoing, longitudinal study.  These findigs provide some not so surprising answers to the question of what physiological and psychological traits determine a man’s success in his relationships and his career.

The Grant Study

This amazing one of a kind study called the Grant Study, began in 1938, 76 years ago, and continues today….

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