The health of our population has been steadily diminishing as our internal and external environments become increasingly more polluted with toxins
Several years ago I started a radio show, Healthy Baby Boomers Network. The original goal was to highlight baby boomers as they started to reach retirement age, needing direction for the next few decades of life. Little did I know at that time that health, preventative and treatment alternatives, would become a greater focus than finding life activities in the golden years.
Above are a few of topics covered, a small sample of the best-selling authors, leading health practitioners, speakers, trainers and medical professionals with whom I have had the privilege of sharing intimate healing conversations on my Healthy Baby Boomers Network Radio Show.
Our society is at a point of crisis within our families, institutions and our healthcare system
We are bombarded almost daily with unprecedented violence, the disclosure of sexual abuse among prominent members of society, alarming rates of infidelity, domestic abuse, divorce, addictions and mental health issues. What we need is love, much more love and tolerance, acceptance and appreciation. We also need a return to gentle, loving, responsive and caring touch. Although it often seems impossible, hopeless and unachievable, we must learn how to open our hearts and return to our natural state of being which is “love”.
Below is my interview on the Healing Recovery Retreat, a virtual summit I created to highlight experts talking about what it takes to heal from trauma, addiction, loss, betrayal, abuse….
I no longer think of traditional medical doctors as healing professionals. Instead, they have become more like disease and symptom suppressing practitioners. When my blood tests appear to be totally within normal range, they almost rush me out of the office, at times with the attitude that I am taking up their precious time that is needed for others with “real” illnesses. That attitude and approach does not feel good for someone, like me, who wants to maintain my health indefinitely.
But the attitude is not any better if my blood tests or my breast sonogram (I refuse to take mammograms since Dr. Christiane Northrup and many functional medical practitioners have warned us about the dangers) indicates something abnormal. At that point, the technician, the nurse, the doctor – all of them – come together to evaluate what they see with a negative look on their faces that bodes of danger, illness and death.
I go home upset and devastated, not because of my fear of possible diagnostic procedures which I will not embrace, but the fear of being brought into a system that feels like a prison sentence leading to further illness and even death, not a health and wellness program.
I reach out, instead, to a natural herbal doctor from Africa who greets me with a smile, and happy assurances that these special teas will cleanse my system and strengthen my immunity and bring me back to robust, invigorating health.
Which system would you choose?
Let me help you unravel the mystery
of your physical and emotional ailments.
Together we can find the best and most affordable SOLUTIONS that work for you.
In my search for health and wellness, I have interviewed some leading natural health practitioners working with many different types of healing methods and nutritional components. The answers do not come easily. Each practitioner is touting their own protocols and supplements as “the” solution. But each of us has a different constitution, a different genetic makeup, different lifestyle habits, different life circumstances, different emotional responses, and differing levels of support from the people closest to us.
For some people, just following the medical doctor’s diagnoses and prescriptions and hoping for the best is the choice they make. Others, many who have gone through the traditional medical route and ended up close to death’s door, seek alternative methods and find alternative health solutions that work for them.
Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Complete Book
Touch Me … Please Book
Heal Me … Please Book
Touching Matters
Touching Stories
Healing Happens
Love In The Blizzard Of Life – A Novel
Health And Wisdom
Entering the Age of Excellence
Sex, Lies, Secrets, Endearment Terms and the Dying, The End Game
Sunrises and Sunsets – Final Affairs
What Should I Do with the Rest of My Life?
New Face of Retirement
Changing How You Think About Retirement
Find the Job You Love – At 50 and Beyond
Over 50 and Broke – NO MORE
Baby Boomers and Gaming
Loving and Letting Go: A Caretaker’s Journey
Effects of Compassionate Present on the Dying
Resolving Family Issues Over Caregiving
Primary Care Home Visits
Caregiver Village
Elder Orphans
Healthy Sexuality
Sexy at 60
Never Ever Too Late for Love
Hardly Broken
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic
Health And Spirituality
The Soul of Uncertainty
The Mystery of the Self
I Am One with the Universe
How Many Lives Have You Lived?
Journals of a Healer
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul
Heal the Fragmentation in Your Soul
Living Hope – Leave Suffering Behind
Lord Have Murphy
Be Powerful in the Face of Life’s Curve Balls
P3 – Purpose, Passion and Peace
Healing and The Healthy Lifestyle
The Healthy Mind
V for Vitality
Find Your Vitality, Balance and Bliss
Creating a Wellness Home
Feng Shui: Your Environment is Your Mirror
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Wisdom
Measure Exactly What Your Body Needs for Health
The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle
Fat to Fearless
Reset Your Stress
The Heart and Science of Yoga
Bodhi Tree – Yogaganda’s “Anatomy of a Yogi”
Meditation for Daily Stress Relief
Oasis in the Overwhelm
Just 2 Choices
Living Hope – Leave Suffering Behind
Feeling Great – Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment
Metabolic Stimulation System – Transform Your Body
Life and Lemonade
Overcoming Health Problems
Power to the Patient
A Therapeutic Relationship in the 15 Minute Visit
Solving The Autoimmune Puzzle
Feeling Sluggish – The Thyroid Mystery Solved
Betrayal – Autoimmune Diseases They Don’t Tell You About
Inoculated – Dangers You May Not Know
Holistic Healing with Dr. Palmer
Handling Life Problems
Holiday Loss Survival Tips
What You Need to Know About Treating Trauma
From Victim to Victor – Surviving Cancer and Thriving
Out of the Darkness, Into the Light – A Blind Man Leads the Way
Ego and Emotions: Conflict Management for Baby Boomers
Healthy Love and Self-Love
The Magic of Self Love
How to Keep Love Alive – At Any age
Bride to Widow and Living Well
How to Live from a Loving Consciousness
A Diet of Love
Healing Through Touch
Learn the Healing Synergy of Talk and Touch
A Call to Bring Healing to the World
Touching Light to Heal Your Body
Warning Signs of Health and How We Age
Aging Is Inevitable
Predictors of Healthy Aging
Aging – New Realities
Keeping Passion Alive – why do We Age?
Enhance Your Sensual Awareness For Better Health
Healthy Aging – Centenarians and Seniors can Live Healthy, Active, Fulfilling Lives – And So Can You
Super Centenarians Defy All Odds and Live Very Long, Healthy Lives
Normal Aging is Not Disease
Emotional Upsets As We Age
Mind Body Wellness – What Does Spirit Have to do with it?
Body Psychotherapy to Overcome Your Past, Sexual, Relationship, & Emotional Problems
Dr. Erica Goodstone
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Healing Through Love Series Begins - February 24, 2025 - Aging Beautifully - October 6, 2024
- How Are You Feeling? - August 12, 2023