Did You Know – Food is FUEL?




This morning I juiced some celery, carrots, kale, cucumber and spinach. Later I stopped for lunch at a local health food restaurant. I ordered a 2 ounce wheat grass juice, followed by a plate of roasted veges, lentil stew, kale salad and avocado and cucumber salad.

As I was leaving, I purchased containers of sprouted almonds and sprouted pumpkin seeds.

Driving back toward my home, it hit me!


Yes, of course, I have always known that. As a former professor of health and physical education for 25 years, I knew that we need protein, carbohydrates, fats, trace minerals, water and that we need to get adequate nutrition from the food we eat. But I seriously never thought about MY food as FUEL.

While driving, after having eaten purely nutritional food, I felt energized, awake, attuned to the world, and happy. Hmm. And I thought comfort foods did that. But then I thought about some of my favorite comfort foods – mashed potatoes, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, chocolate cake with whipped cream, a glass of wine…. And I asked myself 3 questions:

  1. How do I feel before choosing the comfort food?
  2. How do I feel while eating the comfort food?
  3. How do I feel immediately afterwards, a few hours later and the following morning?

It seems that before choosing to eat a comfort food I am often feeling stressed, rushed, pressured, frustrated, unhappy, lonely, needy, upset or any other number of other less than optimal emotions.

While eating my comfort food, if it lives up to my expectations, I might feel really good.  Recently I had that experience while eating a molten chocolate cake, dripping with chocolate syrup and a side of caramel vanilla ice cream.  Mmmm.  (Note:  I had just flown into Atlanta, had a healthy dinner, and was anxiously preparing for my 15 minute talk without notes on the PDA (Personal Development App) Tour.

However, usually by the time I get up from the table after indulging in my comfort food,
I may feel sluggish, bloated, heavy, tired or just uncomfortable. This time, since I had not over-eaten, I felt okay for a while.  But about an hour or two later, the symptoms showed up.  I started to feel tired, de-energized, more aware of small aches and pains.
In the past I have even developed a belly ache or a headache a few hours later.
In the morning I did feel tired, even though I had had an adequate amount of sleep.

This got me thinking.  

What is the purpose of food? 

What does my body really need? 

What does food do to:

  • my brain and my thinking, concentration and decisions
  • my hormones and my emotional ups and downs
  • my circulatory system and the flow of my blood
  • my respiratory system and the ease of my breathing
  • my lymph system and the storing and release of toxins
  • my nervous system and the pressure on my nerves
  • my muscular system and the strength of my muscles
  • my integumentary system and the condition of my skin
  • my digestive system and the breaking down and assimilation of my food
  • my elimination system and the proper emptying of the bowels
  • ???

We all know that we would not feed our automobiles processed food, sugar, GMO products, or any substances that might limit the production of fuel.  In fact, I always choose hi-test gas, the best quality from what I believe to be the best gas company.

Imagine driving on a highway after feeding your car a “meal” that makes it bloated and tired.  What would it be like for you if a car was stopped in front of you and you had to pull out immediately?  What if your car was too tired and sluggish to react quickly?

NOTE:  Believe it or not, there WAS a time when gas for our automobiles cost even less than the prices shown below.

As humans we like to ignore the facts that stare us in the face.  We all know the purpose of food is to provide adequate nutrition so that our bodies can function efficiently and effectively.  But somehow we don’t associate that knowledge with our daily eating habits.

Which Type Of Food Do YOU Choose Every Day?












Disease is a process that does not usually happen instantly, unless it is a contagious germ that has entered our system. But even then, if our immune system is strong, we may never get ill from that germ or if we do, we will recover quickly.

Disease in our body develops slowly, sometimes days, weeks or months. For many life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease, however, the disease process may have begun several decades earlier. Our environment, the chemicals and toxins in the air, may play a big role and it may be difficult to eliminate the external toxins. But we do have complete control over what we choose to put into our mouth.

If you, or someone you care about, is currently struggling with a chronic or life threatening disease – or – going through chemotherapy and other invasive treatments, then please take a moment to check out

The Miraculous Healing Master Class Summit.
Replays are available for a nominal fee and you will have an amazing resource to help you find your optimum healing path. 

In April, 2017, I interviewed 24 leading experts, healers, researchers and best selling authors who have personally healed in miraculous ways or have helped others to heal before, during or after invasive treatment protocols.  Healing is our natural right IF we remove the barriers and enable our amazing bodies to do what they are designed to do.

We have a marvelously designed immune system that can and does keep us healthy.  However, we have a personal responsibility to pay attention to our body and to feed it the nutrition, water, rest, sleep, attitudes, affirmations, attention and love that it requires.

In 2016, I interviewed 44 leading experts on touch, touch therapy,
somatic awareness, body therapy and body psychotherapy.

If you have ever wondered about the meaning or psychological connection to your current physical symptoms, then do yourself a favor and check out the
Love Me Touch Me Heal Me Summit.

For Your Complementary Healing Through Love Session
Let Me Guide You Through The 7 Step Healing Through Love Session

Need some guidance, encouragement or a compassionate ear?

Listen to a very special interview with David Riklan, founder of SelfGrowth.com


Love Me Touch Me Heal Me Book






Healthy Baby Boomers Network Blog Talk Radio Show








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Contact Me to being your own miraculous healing journey.

With love and caring,

Dr. Erica



Love Mentor and Relationship Healer
Where There Is Love There IS A Way


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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert and Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to love. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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10 thoughts on “Did You Know – Food is FUEL?

  1. Hi Erica mam, Great information. We always attract towards junk food. Health is wealth and we never know how food is affecting our health. Thanks for sharing.

    • Sazia,
      So true that our health is wealth. Without our health, all the money in the world will not help us.
      It seems to be getting more complex and confusing to know which foods are best for us, with all these additives
      and unhealthy options that can be appealing.

  2. Yes indeed… food is fuel! I
    I’ve been on a keto/low carb eating change (hate to call this a diet – it’s a lifestyle change) and I never felt better physically and some benefits too – lost weight, no acid reflux, no bloating. It’s difficult to change your habits but can be done. I eat when hungry .. and fuel my body with vegies and protein, and all is good. Your body needs to be respected.

    • Lesly,

      Your decision to follow a keto diet is impressive. I have seen a few of your comments about food you are cooking.
      Would love to hear more about exactly what food choices you have been making, how that is affecting the way you feel
      and whether you continue to have food cravings for food that is not part of the keto plan.
      It’s not easy to change a whole lifestyle, especially since there is temptation everywhere – just walk down any street
      with restaurants, coffee shops, pastry shops, even the displays in your local grocery store.

  3. Dr. Erica, you always seem to bring empowering information with value. We, take not thought in what we eat. Besides the smell and vision. You can see all the food that is not healthy all over facebook. People are taking joy in exposing harsh foods to others. I appreciate you making the effort to keep us aware of fuel foods.

    You are always appreciated Dr. Erica.

    • Hi William,

      So true that people on Facebook share food that is not too healthy – and – they also share incredibly healthy recipes and nutritional approaches.
      It really is individual. Each of us has to decide what we will feed our precious body. The food we choose to eat really does make a huge difference
      in the way we feel physically.

  4. There are some really good reminders in this post, including a few that we might know, but push to the back of our minds.

    Thanks for raising our awareness on this important topic.

  5. Great blog post Erica and a nice reminder of how food affects your energy levels. I have started to grow a garden in my back yard and now daily am collecting greens for either salads, green leafy vegetables or smoothies and my body loves it. I am amazed at how fast seeds grow to offer a plentiful variety on my plate. I am definitely consuming super fuels currently!
    I am also impressed at your expertise and how you have brought it out to the world through the many summits you have hosted. What a worthwhile legacy you are creating there! Congratulations for your continual commitment to help heal our troubled world.

    • Aline,
      Thank you so much for your supportive words. You are truly creating a healthy life. Your garden sounds amazing.
      I am discovering that there is nothing as tasty and energizing and food naturally grown and harvested and brought onto our plate without all that adulteration.

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