Do You Know Your Love Map?

Love Location Map

When you start out on a long trip toward a specific destination, you need a map, a guideline, something to follow that will lead you where you want to go. In this technological era many of us no longer use physical maps. We tend, instead to rely upon an automated voice or some other navigational system that will tell us the distance, what roads to take, where to turn, and how much longer the trip will take. Most of us do not attempt to take a long trip toward a definite destination without at least some form of guidance and direction. Continue reading

Desperation to Inspiration – Healing from a Broken Heart

Create Healing


When you feel betrayed, rejected, humiliated and shamed by someone who has meant a lot to you, the result is often a sense of desperation and a broken heart.  The heartbreak you feel can be physically painful, intensely so.  There is no immediate cure for devastating emotional pain. Continue reading

Talking About Love And Not Feeling Loved

Dead End Image Do You Keep Talking About  LOVE…wanting to understand it, longing for others to care about you, yet no matter how much you try, loving relationships seem to elude you?
  • Are your words expressing your desire to show how much you care but your responses continually focus on how you feel, not on the needs and feelings of others?
  • Do you feel upset that other people seem to misunderstand your “good” and “caring” intentions and they respond to you in ways that you perceive as abrupt, indifferent, and uncaring?
  • Do you find yourself feeling hurt and acting out in anger and even rage, thinking to yourself “How dare this person say this, or do this, to me?”

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