Believing in love does not make you loving

Believing it doesn’t make it true

Believing in Love

I was intrigued by this title in a recent article by Mike Hendricks in the McCook Gazette. Although Mr. Hendricks writes about belief at work, in politics and other types of situations, I have used his idea to talk about my favorite topic – Love. Continue reading


Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

Florist in India




You’re single, or you want to be single and you’re anxious to get out of your current relationship. Your dating experience may range from never having had a date before, having dated for months or years, having serial monogamous relationships, or maybe you have recently ended a relationship.
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Happy Marriages Don’t Just Happen

“Man And Woman Before Question Mark” by renjith krishnan FreeDigitalPhotos.netHave you ever wondered why some marriages appear to be so loving and happy while so many others are not? Yes, choosing an appropriate partner – one who matches your level of commitment, your lifestyle preferences and your values – certainly gives you a head start. But scientific studies have revealed some secret ingredients that help marriages to thrive and without which, you may be in for a lifetime of struggle and frustration and perhaps eventual divorce.

Maressa Brown gathered some impressive research in a short, no-nonsense, simple article that I want to share with you here.  Continue reading