Are You Dating Your Clients?

Are you dating your clients, prospective clients, friends, family members and lovers? Well you may not call it dating, and I am not talking about making sexual advances, but you can certainly benefit by approaching ALL relationships the way an experienced dater might approach new acquaintances. Ask yourself the following questions and be as truthful as you can be. Continue reading

Clean Loving, Clean Life


Clean Loving, Clean Life

  • Have you ever heard the words “I love you” with a questioning look in your eyes and the word “Really?” on the tip of your tongue?
  • Have you ever attended a social or business networking event where the meeting was supposed to be about connecting and sharing yet you felt someone imposing their wishes upon you, attempting to push you to do something you didn’t want?
  • Do you feel bogged down by any part of your life that seems to have happened to you without your full consent and without you having made a clear choice out of passion, interest and desire?
  • Are you living a clean life or do you feel it is polluted by your own or other people’s fears, negative thinking, self-centered actions and lack of genuine intimate connection?

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Don’t Go to Sleep Mad – Get Back to Love

Burning Heart

Don’t go to sleep fighting with your partner and feeling emotionally upset.  Create a plan, in advance, for how you will handle late night disagreements.  This works best if you and your partner create a plan together, but for your own peace of mind set up a plan for yourself. Continue reading