Find Lasting Love and
Avoid the Problems and Dangers

Recently, I created an e book all about choosing different places to meet the love of your life. And I know it works. So many people have met, and continue to meet, a wonderful partner – and often for life – by thinking creatively and keeping their eyes open to possibilities.  But something was left out of that book, and I feel compelled to write about it now.  Lasting Love

Any one of us, if we create an attractive appearance, smile and reach out in a friendly and inviting manner, and speak in appealing ways, can meet and connect with someone new.  But what happens after that initial meeting?  Do we feel so excited by the possibility of love and romance and sexual pleasure that we overlook warning signs and red flags about this person, probably a total stranger before we started talking? Continue reading

Start Strong, Stay Strong
Loving Your Dreams and Intentions

English: Everything starts from needs or desir...

English: Everything starts from needs or desires that become goals. In order to achieve their goals people frame intentions that lead to actions. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The first week is ending in this new year.  Did you review your past accomplishments and set your intentions for this year?  Do you have a big dream and a vision of what you want? And do you feel as if you are off and running toward reaching your dream?

Or — are you like many of us.  Maybe you reviewed your past year or maybe you chose to not even think about it  because it was not as good as you would have liked.  Maybe you haven’ quite decided on what you want to accomplish this year, if anything.  Continue reading

Your Heroes – How They Affect Your Relationships Today

Archie Marries Veronica/Archie Marries Betty

Archie Marries Veronica/Archie Marries Betty (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

While reading a recent issue of Tennis magazine about the “Heroes” who have dramatically affected many lives, I started thinking about the heroes in my life.

As a young child I used to love reading mystery novels and my favorite was a character named Kay Tracy. She was young, adventurous, clever and was able to garner support and follow clues to solve every mystery. Then I began collecting comic books. Continue reading

The Fragility of Love
and the Complex Path to Loving Well

“How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach….”

43rd Sonnet written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in the 19th century.

From this beautiful romantic poem we are led to believe that to love is uplifting, heartwarming and provides intimate connection that lasts forever, way beyond our current lifetime.

Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass (Photo credit: ImageMD)

The truth about being human and loving in the real world

is that very few of us have experienced such all-consuming, lifelong, undying and passionate love.  For those of us who find ourselves in the throes of love, we really do believe it will last forever.  We believe that the passion will always be there and our hearts will continue to lead us back to love.

But love does not always prevail.  Continue reading