Awakening Your Love

We are born with an unlimited capacity to love. We love the strangers who introduce themselves as our parents or caretakers and we love anyone whose energy matches our sensibility. We do not discriminate because of color, culture, religion, intelligence, age, health, financial status or beauty.
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Everybody Wants Love

Most of us dream of finding the “perfect” partner and walking out into the sunset for a life filled with love, appreciation, fun, sensual and sexual ecstasy, and continual joy. In the past, many of us dreamed of creating the type of relationship we saw in a romantic movie.  It may have been somewhat unrealistic but at least it was distant, unknown, strangers and something to wish for and dream about.
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What Do Women Want?

Women are not all the same.  We come from different families, different cultures and we all have our own unique genetic makeup.  Our life experiences, environment and personal perceptions affect what happens to us and how we respond.  However, we do have some things in common Continue reading