Are You Dating Your Clients?

Are you dating your clients, prospective clients, friends, family members and lovers? Well you may not call it dating, and I am not talking about making sexual advances, but you can certainly benefit by approaching ALL relationships the way an experienced dater might approach new acquaintances. Ask yourself the following questions and be as truthful as you can be.


  • meet a new person and immediately tell them about the wonderful product, service or personal qualities you have to offer?
  • see every person you meet as a prospective buyer of your product and services or a potential lover or long term relationship?
  • assume that what you have to offer is so great that the other person needs it even if you have to do a lot of convincing?
  • make sure you have told other people everything you feel they need to hear even if you haven’t listened and learned about them?
  • gently or aggressively criticize or intimidate another person for not realizing they need to change something or do what you say?

In other words, are you verbally spamming people? Do you expect others to instantly recognize your value, eagerly buy your products or services, and willingly develop an ongoing and mutually beneficial relationship with you? Marketing statistics reveal that people need to see a product, service or advertisement between 7 and 12 times before they are ready to get involved and make a purchase. That same phenomenon works in building relationships, creating lasting love, filling a seminar, and getting rich.

Study the art of dating and apply it regularly to every relationship in your life, even with your long term intimate partner, close family members and business associates.

  • Be aware of your own appearance and be well groomed
  • Make plans and keep them. Know where you are going and have some idea of how long it will take
  • Make sure the other person has agreed in advance to the plans and adjust as necessary
  • Greet the other person with pleasant and if possible, complimentary words
  • Be aware of your own and the other person’s facial and body expressions
  • Ask questions, listen, be genuinely interested and build rapport without pressure and expectation and without taking it personally
  • Engage in conversation, not monologue, realizing that building rapport requires give and take, talking and listening
  • Respect the other person as if he or she is a well known celebrity
  • Develop patience. People require hearing or seeing something at least 7 -12 times before being willing to do something different or hear something differently or get involved in a new opportunity. Some people will respond quickly. Others may take much longer. Learn to let go of your own preconceived ideas and expectations. Relax and share and be open to discovery

Are you ready to start dating your clients, prospective clients, friends, family members and lovers?

Need some guidance, encouragement or a compassionate ear?

Listen to a very special interview with David Riklan, founder of


Love Me Touch Me Heal Me Book






Healthy Baby Boomers Network Blog Talk Radio Show








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Contact Me to create the dream relationship that really is possible.

With love and caring,

Dr. Erica



Love Mentor and Relationship Healer
Where There Is Love There IS A Way


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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert and Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to love. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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4 thoughts on “Are You Dating Your Clients?

  1. These are practical advice. People may be doing certain things unknowingly. I’m happy you chose to write about this and remind everyone.

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