Are You A Love Connector?

I read a great article describing 9 important skills that highly successful people have used to develop successful relationships and create wealth.  As I often do, I have translated these valuable life skills into love making, love connecting, and love enhancing skills.

  • Introduce Two High Connectors

Do you know, among your close circle of friends or outer circle of influence, a few outgoing, high people connectors?  Instead of asking either of them to help you find someone new to date, to connect you with a potential business partner, or to invest in your project, why not find a way to bring these two high producers together?  Give first to those who might later be able to give back to you.  You go first.

  • Introduce Two People With a Specific Goal in Mind

Have you ever connected two other people who might have a business relationship, a friendship or just an additional acquaintance?  Have you done that frequently?  The more often you connect other people, the more likely you are to find a new person to date, receive support for your current project or business, or merely develop a large group of people that know, like and trust you – not bad for building a business.

  • Create a Dinner of Interesting People

Are you a great cook or a fabulous host?  Then invite a few strategic people to your home for an afternoon or evening of scintillating conversation and potential for valuable connections.  Not a great cook?  Then arrange for a casual meeting at a local mid-priced pub or restaurant.  Become the connector and watch your own connections expand, maybe even leading to an unexpected introduction to the love or your life or the business partner you always wanted but didn’t know how to find.

  • Follow up

Okay.  You created an unforgettable home cooked meal and the conversation was wonderful.  Everyone left smiling and appreciative.  Did you followup afterwards?  Did you call each person and ask how they are doing and whether they connected with someone special at the dinner?  Don’t underestimate the value of following up, keeping you in the minds of all those who attended your event.

  • Re-Establish Contact

So now a few weeks have gone by.  Your dinner event is a distant albeit pleasant memory.  But you haven’t seen or heard from any of your guests since then.  Next step?  Contact each of your guests again via telephone, email, text, skype, social media sites.  Keep those warm and fuzzy connections alive.

  • Show Up

If you’re not the party creator type nor a really high level connector, then this skill is even more important for you.  Show up when you are invited to a party or event sponsored by someone else, especially if that someone is a high connector.  Be very visible and present at the event.  If it is just a virtual event, make sure to raise your hand to ask a question, post a complimentary comment that shows you have learned or gained something valuable.  Show up and “the one” might be there just waiting to meet YOU.

  • Produce something of value

Do you have something valuable to share with others at an event?  Do you have some free or discounted tickets, special opportunities for which you are the go-between, an opportunity to help someone be featured in an article or book series?  Do you have something valuable to contribute to a conversation about relationships, healing, manifesting money or something else that might be real important to others?  Be a valuable resource.  Help others to view you as someone they NEED to get to know.  Be of service to others.

  • Time

Are you willing to spend time doing difficult, time consuming, frustrating and even thankless menial tasks?  Do you believe that you should only have to go to certain events, talk with only certain types of people, or work at only high level tasks for which you are applauded and rewarded?  Billionaires do not think like that as they are working themselves up the financial ladder.  Billionaires work hard, at every level of the process, until they have put all the pieces into play – and even then they often continue to work hard.  We all have the same number of hours, minutes and seconds in a single day.  But how we choose to utilized those segments of time can make all the difference.

So, are you ready to become a super love connector or a haphazard, inconsistent disconnector?

Are you ready to find the love or build the business of your dreams but something seems to hold you back?

CONTACT ME To Schedule a Consultation


Dr. Erica

This blog post and the comments are saved from the original article posted on a web site I have recently deleted.

Dr. Erica Goodstone

That’s a great idea to put together a dinner with interesting people. And – when you are not searching for love, who knows what unexpected additional gifts will be presented.



You know, one thing I have not done is put together a dinner with interesting people. I never thought of it… so you gave me a good idea. (yay) I think I may have to do that and maybe have one every month. I already have some people in mind. While it may not be for love, it would be for friendship. 🙂


Dr. Erica Goodstone



I have been paying more attention and I am starting to discern the difference. I can almost predict who will be successful and who will not based upon their attitude. Highly successful and wealthy people tend to give freely, not just because they have more time or money, but because that was their style which led to the wealth. People who are struggling tend to measure everything they do – how much money will this earn me, how much time will I have to spend, etc. Instead of freely giving, freely working hard, they are often too concerned with the outcome and too attached, and then they give up too soon.Warmly,Dr. Erica

Steve-Personal Success Factors

Erica, this is such profound advice for those of us both in business and in life. It’s interesting: I do believe love and wealth are closely connected. Many of the most successful people are also the best at relating to others. And while there are a minority of wealthy people who are not very caring, the majority of those I have met are extremely genuine and selfless people. Growing in love is growing in wealth.


Dr. Erica Goodstone

I have to admit, I have not been good at following up. It does feel good when I finally reach out and the other person is happy to hear from me. That is an important part of building a relationship.


Dr. Erica

Mandy Swift
Hi Erica,
I am afraid I fall badly short on ‘follow-ups’, which, as you say are so easy to do – all they require is a little time. Quite often I find myself thinking ‘whatever happened to so-and-so?’
A timely reminder I feel! Thank you 🙂
Dr. Erica Goodstone


When we have the right frame of reference and way of thinking about it, then it becomes so much easier to just do it and follow up. And that is essential for building any type of ongoing relationship, in business and in friendship and in love.

Dr. Erica

Dr. Erica Goodstone

I wish I’d had that counsel early in life also. When I was pledging for a high school sorority I was so shy and not reaching out the way they expected. Now I understand how important it is and I am often still very reserved. We are not all naturally outgoing and comfortable that way. Some of us are naturally more introverted and self-reflective – and there’s nothing wrong with that except that connecting works better for building a big business.

Dr. Erica

Rachel Lavern

I like how you applied the tips to love relationships. I am reading 7 Networking Laws and #3 is “The fit ones will get rich”. People who have a sincere interest in other people and make connections as a “connector” are the ones who are the fit ones. You can only be a connector and further your relationship, if you get to know the people who you meet. And that means getting over your fear of follow-up and getting into a further conversation.

Willena Flewelling

This is the kind of balanced counsel I wish I’d had when I was a shy teenager and young widow. Shyness kept me from connecting with many others, especially men. And, reserved as I was, anything I did do FELT like forwardness. But there is a balance between shy and forward. Offer value to others… be friendly… find ways of helping and encouraging others… and it will open the way to something deeper.

I am still shy and reserved in real life. And the answer is still the same, for relationship building, and for building a network marketing business.

Thank you for the insights. 🙂

Willena Flewelling

Dr. Erica Goodstone

Dave and Dawn,

You have already created a huge virtual high connector party with TSA – Tribe Syndication Association. And it really works. Many strong connections, joint ventures and affiliate partnerships have developed. Crating an in-person connecting event is also powerful. Thanks for sharing.


Dr. Erica

Dr. Erica Goodstone


I am attending a Virtual Halloween costume party. I decided to go as Mystical Queen Erica, able to empower others to instantly feel loved and loving with the touch of my golden, diamond studded healing wand.

Happy Halloween,

Dr. Erica

Dave and Dawn Cook

Hi Dr. Erica,
I want to be a better connector and you sure have given me the tips to do so. As you know, I haven’t been out looking for a love connection since I’ve been happily married for 22 years now, but I certainly see how being a good connector can be a huge help for our businesses and social environment.

Creating a dinner to connect people is a wonderful idea. I can see inviting folks just with the objective of connecting them with some new people. You are correct on the importance of following up too since it also helps you solidify your relationship with each person. If you can help the new relationship you have helped to create blossom than that is all good as well.

It’s all about giving value and connecting high connectors together ranks high on the list of giving great value.

Thanks for sharing this great post!

(Dave) and Dawn

Julieanne van Zyl

Hi Dr Erica, I do half those things on your list, and the other half, I hardly ever get around to doing! I like the way you applied the original list in a different way.

Happy Halloween Dr Erica, do you go out and celebrate? Or, did you invite some interesting people over to your home to celebrate?

Bye for now, Julieanne

Dr. Goodstone

I know I fall short of several items in the high connector category. I often feel reluctant or get too busy with other activities and obligations and projects to follow up and to keep in contact. I have also chosen to attend certain events and passed up others that perhaps would have connected me with “the one.” So it was eye opening to read that highly successful people do all that and more.

Dr. Erica

Marcus T Cox


That is a good question. I bet everyone would be quick to they are a connector, but your list of things to do might make them question their own answer. For what I do now I have not had the chance yet to work with a group of people. So I honestly do not know yet. You will be the first person I let know when I get that first chance. Thank for the info and insight, as always TTYL

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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert and Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to love. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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4 thoughts on “Are You A Love Connector?

  1. I have to say i’d not thought of “connectors” this way! Thanks for an inspiring read with some interesting ideas.

  2. Hi Erica,

    relationship problems are very common these days. Most of the times ego issues and lack of communication cause big issues in a relationship. It is goods to find how to connect with your love.

    Glad you have shared this!

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